South to New Haven

South Haven has some of the best sunsets I've ever seen. I took about a zillion photos.

South Haven has some of the best sunsets I’ve ever seen. I took about a zillion photos.

You may wonder why I haven’t posted in a while. The simple answer? I’ve been on vacation. Yes there is technology everywhere, but come on people! I rarely get vacations. My family has been summering in South Haven, Mi for almost my entire life. We make it up every couple of years and try to spend a week there. I love this place. It’s right on beautiful Lake Michigan and is just a cool town. In fact, it reminded me a lot of our little New Haven. Maybe that’s why  I like it so much.

South Haven has embraced it’s tourist town nature. It’s a lake town up north which means limited peak seasons. But the fact that South Haven doesn’t try to be anything other than that is a good thing. They have a main drag of shops that’s only slightly larger than New Haven. They still have some empty storefronts, and some stores are filled with some pretty tacky tourist stuff, but amongst the t-shirts and flip flops, you find many local artists.  They have a jewelry store called the perfect setting that is hand crafting one-of-a-kind pieces. They have a fudge shop making the best mocca latte I’ve ever had. My favorite store, however, was the Bowspirit Gallery run by local artist Tim Morris.

This is one of my favorite photos from Bowspirit Gallery. Tim took this lighthouse photo on Christmas morning. He also has one that he woke up at Midnight and sat on a frozen beach for hours for the perfect shot. #Passion!

This is one of my favorite photos from Bowspirit Gallery. Tim took this lighthouse photo on Christmas morning. He also has one that he woke up at Midnight and sat on a frozen beach for hours for the perfect shot. #Passion!

Tim would fit right in with our local artists. Tim, and his daughter Erin, are avid sailors and have a hands on approach to creating Fine Art photography. I personally purchase 3 prints and can’t wait to display them in my home. The store just had a better feel too it. It was people doing things they loved and sharing their passion. With such an perfect location, you can’t help but me pulled back in.

South Haven has 2 piers. I took this at sunset standing on the opposite pier.

South Haven has 2 piers. I took this at sunset standing on the opposite pier.

Another fine shop is the Artworks Gallery. It was a little shop displaying all sorts of media from local artists. The owners were fun and inviting and excited to show of the local art history.

2-Martini Monday started with a BLT Martini, a Classic Cosmo, a Cool Gin and a Firefly. All - amazing.

2-Martini Monday started with a BLT Martini, a Classic Cosmo, a Cool Gin and a Firefly. All – amazing.

The one thing South Haven is doing better than New Haven is the food. We have a few amazing places to eat down there, but they had such a variety. We spent many hours at taste – a martini bar offering small plates and an amazing array of martini options. What I liked about South Haven’s strip was that you could walk a little and window shop and pop in and out of different styles of restaurants. It gave you a reason to stay down there longer. They gave you a reason to go – but more importantly – a reason to stay.

One of the highlights was the fresh oysters and muscles at the thirsty perch. This is some carnage after my dad and I stopped in for a drink.

One of the highlights was the fresh oysters and muscles at the thirsty perch. This is some carnage after my dad and I stopped in for a drink.

I think New Haven is on it’s way to being a great place. Maybe our river town isn’t quite the same as that lake town, but the investment in local and hand-made is the same. Both towns share a spirit for doing things the right way, and sharing that with others. You know me, I”m a sucker for people with passions.

This is the historic Lighthouse off one of the piers. It's a popular place at sunset. Thanks to the lovely couple that let me take this shot!

This is the historic Lighthouse off one of the piers. It’s a popular place at sunset. Thanks to the lovely couple that let me take this shot!

I took this from my towel after I had gotten out of 64 degree water. Gotta love the north!

I took this from my towel after I had gotten out of 64 degree water. Gotta love the north!

Brewfest, beerfest, tomato, to-mat-toe

The other weekend I had the honor or representing Pinckney Bend Distilling at 2nd Shift’s annual brewfest. What? Gin next to beer? You’d be surprised at how well we go over!

The event staff of Pinckney Bend - yours truly included.

The event staff of Pinckney Bend – yours truly included.

I’ve worked many brewfests in my time and attended even more. What I always love about them is the camaraderie among all those working. Yes everyone likes being the busy booth and the booth everyone talks about, but everyone supports each other. It’s a wonderful family. A family that cheers when you succeed, cries when you fail, but always keeps you on your toes. A group of people doing things because they love doing them. I’m sure we could always get paid more or have a free saturday, but I don’t think anyone of us would have wanted to be anywhere else. We were together and doing what we are passionate about. That, my friends, is a perfect day.

This is a shot from the very beginning of the event. Slow start, but a great time!

This is a shot from the very beginning of the event. Slow start, but a great time!

2nd shift brewery had a really great set up. It was intimate, but with plenty of space to move around. They had some great music, but it wasn’t too loud and you could still talk. It also helped that it may have just been one of the most perfect summer days so far. If you have never been to the Cedar Creek Conference Center or to 2nd Shift you are missing out. One of the pretties views of the Missouri countryside you’ll see. And they have damn good beer. View. Beer. Go.

I had worked an event the weekend before in Hermann, which had a very large crowd. We had a solid turnout, but it really was quality over quantity. Everyone who was there was generally interested in tasting and sampling. It’s very refreshing to be at an event that’s just not about seeing how much you can get for the ticket price, but expanding your horizons and tastes to perhaps discover something new. Sometimes at these events you have people who hang out at one booth. I understand having a bit more of a favorite, but why go if you only want to drink Bud Light? If you’re not interested in seeing all the crazy and tasty things other people do, you should spend that $30 bucks and sit at home. Silly.

Perks of the job are pretty awesome.

Perks of the job are pretty awesome.

I wish I would have had the energy to stay for the after party. Our wonderful sponsors hold an after party for all the workers to swap stories, share laughs and sample wares. Sadly, I had a little big of a 4th of July and needed a nap and no more sun. This half irish girl can only handle so much sunny outside weather! Next year, however, I have vowed to tame down my 4th of July party and make it.
I had only one issue with the event. It’s the same issue I have with all New Haven events – lack of people. I know it wasn’t for lack of marketing. Maybe it’s lack of marketing the New Haven. People act like it’s 100 miles away, but will go up to a winery in Hermann or down to South County. People seem to think New Haven is “so far”. When I told some friends I had to work, they seemed confounded that New Haven would have a brewfest. I always laugh when people from Kirkwood or some Amtrack daytrippers come out and say things like “it’s so cute” or “do you guys have bathrooms?”. No Lady. We go out in the barrel. But seriously, I think people just assume New Haven either goes to Washington or Hermann to do things. I mean that is true, but people from Hermann go to Washington and Washingtonians go to Augusta. Travel people. It’s good for your soul (and the economy).


Sometimes I'm amazed they let us out at all.

Sometimes I’m amazed they let us out at all.

All in all it was a great event. A wonderful day with wonderful people and wonderful products. I suggest you get over the idea that New Haven is a place where things don’t happen. Next time, I suggest you buy a ticket and experience it yourself.



The Arts are Alive

I’m a Washington girl who has fallen in love with downtown New Haven. I remember thinking that New Haven was just a town to fill up in on your way out to Hermann. I remember thinking that they seem to produce pretty good basketball teams out there. I never thought – oh yeah….Downtown New Haven. MAN that place rocks. But times change.

New Haven has a rich history. It’s a small town, just under 2,000. But small towns aren’t new around here. Neither are river towns, but there is something special about New Haven. It lacks the polished charm of Washington and the rich German feel of Hermann, but it has this energy of a place just about to wake up. It’s never hectic, but there is always something going on. It’s a place where you can see friendly faces you know, but has something new around every corner. It’s a place where people can be as eccentric or simplistic as they want to be. It’s a place a lot of like-minded people have decided to be themselves.

New Haven embraces itself like no town I’ve seen. It’s not trying to be trendy or commercial. It’s just trying to do things differently. It embraces people who want to spend extra time making something the right way. It encourages you to take the hard way, because that’s the better way. It doesn’t put on airs or feel like it has to dress up. It still feels like a small town doing things the way small towns do them.

I look forward to using this blog to showcase the fine people and artisans of the New Haven arts districts. I hope that you find Downtown New Haven to be a everything that I know it to be. I hope that I’ll see you down there watching the glass blowers, drinking some fine spirits or catching a movie at The Walt. I hope this sleepy river town becomes all the things I know it can be. The new arts haven in the area.